Incorporating biophilic principles into your classroom or school setting can revolutionise the way students learn and interact. Studies have shown that a connection to nature can significantly reduce anxiety, boost motivation, and improve overall academic outcomes. With 1 in 10 young people facing mental health challenges, the importance of a nurturing, natural environment has never been greater. Read on to explore the fundamentals of biophilic design and discover our tips on how to create a biophilic learning space with Cabins for Schools...
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library, Funding
5 Reasons Why Hobbit Huts are the Ideal Playground Additions
Read on to find out why 'hobbit houses' and 'hobbit huts' are the perfect way for primary schools, pre-schools and nurseries to create an enchanting learning and playtime experience for their children. While hobbit huts undoubtedly provide a unique, almost fairy-tale experience for children, they also offer a range of benefits to educational attainment and to social skills too! Here's 5 reasons why these wooden structures are the ideal playground additions...
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library, Funding
How to improve 16+ recruitment and retention - sixth form buildings
For schools and academies with sixth form centres, retaining existing students or recruiting new students can be tough once students have a plethora of options post 16. It's important that your sixth form provisions stand out from the crowd of other providers and give your young people what they really want and need. Read on to find out how we can help you to develop your sixth form provisions with an additional building for your centre's requirements.
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library, Funding
We’re excited to announce that we will be at nasen Live 2024! nasen are the National Association for Special Educational Needs. They are a charitable organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences. Read on to find out more!
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library, Funding
Additional Nursery Buildings and Early Years Buildings
Following the government's planned expansion of funded childcare hours, nurseries and other childcare providers must now expand to offer additional places to two-year-olds. Find out everything you need to know about the changes and how to meet the rising capacity demands by investing in an additional nursery building.
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library, Funding
So... you've got a project which sets out to improve your educational institution. Now you just need that all-important funding! Writing a successful grant or funding bid can seem like a daunting task, especially when you're fighting against the clock with other tasks and responsibilities. We have put together our tips to help your school's application get accepted. Read on...
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library, Funding
At Cabins For Schools, we are huge advocates for schools and nurseries taking learning and playing outdoors. We believe it’s particularly important and beneficial for pupils with SEND and SEMH. Having a school garden for children with SEND provides scope for social and therapeutic horticulture. Let’s discuss the multitude of benefits…
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library
We are hearing more and more about schools and other educational providers improving their support services by offering ELSA Intervention Sessions. But what is an ELSA? What is ELSA support? Read on to find out what an ELSA's role is, what areas are covered in support and our interview with Mrs Purkis, an expert ELSA who runs her support sessions in one of our outdoor classrooms!
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library
We’ve seen an increase in schools introducing music therapy to support both their mainstream pupils and their pupils with SEND, and they are finding huge positive results. So why should your school get involved by creating a designated space for music therapy sessions? Let’s discuss the benefits!
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library
Outdoor learning is becoming increasingly popular among schools. More and more, Forest Schools are cropping up across the UK, and educators are discussing the benefits to children and schools. Importantly, Forest School is not just another word for Outdoor Learning! Let's discuss all things Forest schools and consider the difference...
Topics: schools, outdoorlearning, forestschools, cabins for schools, Multi-Function Space For Schools, Log Cabin, Inclusive Spaces, library